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Dental and Cosmetic Treatment Independent Price List
Examination....................... £29.00
X-Ray.................................. £14.00
Hygienist Scale & Polish.... £49.00
Metal Filling from.............. £88.00
White Filling from.............. £108.00
Root fillings (Premolar)..... £255.00
Root fillings (Molar)........... £355.00
Extraction (Premolar)........ £105.00
Extraction (Molar).............. £125.00
Crown from........................ £450.00
Veneer from....................... £450.00
Bridge per unit from.......... £450.00
Denture Acrylic from.......... £450.00
Denture Chrome from........ £550.00
Bite Guard/Retainer........... £105.00
Professional Whitening...... £315.00
Composite Bonding from....£195.00
Emergency appointment.... £50.00
Invisalign from....................£1995.00 (one arch)
Botox 3 area ..................... £225.00
Fillers 1ml .......................... £195.00